
Unmount the file system which was previously mounted using SBFS. The unmount command is executed as an OS unmount command, i.e. there are no specifics for SBFS unmount command in regards to OS-level unmount command.

On Linux OS this command has to be executed with root privileges (using sudo). Note that a file system cannot be unmounted there are open files on it or when the working directory of a process is on the mounted file system.

Usage: sbfs [parameters] unmount <mountpoint> [optional-parameters] Parameters -h, --help help for configure

Required parameters

<mountpoint>Directory on the local machine where the file system should be mounted. This directory should be an existing directory which is empty.

The directory can be provided either as a relative path (e.g. mount) or absolute path (e.g. $HOME/mount or /home/sbuser/Documents/sbfs/mount/).

Optional parameters

--forceUnmount the file system even if it is busy. This will be performed on "best effort" basis, meaning that this does not guarantee the success of the unmount operation (this behavior is controlled by the OS).

Please note that using this option can cause data loss for open files, while programs accessing files on the unmounted partition may encounter an error or not work properly after the forced unmount.


Unmount the file system mounted via SBFS /home/sbuser/sbfs_mountpoint/ path.