Java library Quickstart
This guide walks you through everything you need to get started with the Seven Bridges API Java client.
Authentication and Configuration
To start, you need to authenticate with the API by passing your authentication token and the API endpoint you will be interacting with.
You can find your authentication token at
The API endpoint is
For more information about the API, including details of the available parameters for each API call, you should check the API documentation before using this library.
Once you have obtained your authentication token from one of the URLs listed above, you can use the ClientBuilder
class to initialize the API client:
ClientBuilder builder = Clients.builder();
If you do not pass any other parameters, the builder will automatically attempt to find your API key values in a number of default/conventional locations and then use the discovered values.
Locations will be each be checked in the following order:
- The classpath of the java application which uses this client library.
- Environment variables
. - Common configuration file with the defined parameters located at:
- Linux, Mac OS X:
- MS Windows:
This is a special credentials file that may be shared with other Seven Bridges client applications, so you should specify only these two keys in it (if any). If you have more than one profile, you can store the information for each profile in it. For example:
auth_token = 7eab0822exAMPle23d7d14c2eEXampLE
api_url =
auth_token = 1e43fEXampLEa5523dfd14exAMPle3e5
api_url =
- Library-specific configuration file
which contains the same keys as above, located at:
- Linux, Mac OS X:
- MS Windows:
If the above-mentioned methods do not satisfy your needs, you can also specify your credentials explicitly when you build a client.
static Client initClient() {
ClientBuilder builder = Clients.builder();
Keep your authentication token safe! It encodes all your credentials on the Platform. Generally, we recommend storing the token in a configuration file, which will then be stored in your home folder rather than in the code itself.
This prevents the authentication token from being committed to source code repositories.
After the credentials are loaded, you can use a helper method to initialize the client and obtain the User
object which holds your user information, such as your name and contact details.
Client client = initClient();
User user = client.getCurrentUser();
To obtain your details simply use the appropriate get()
method. For email address, it would be:
For convenience, some code samples contain logging commands. To use logging, invoke a Logger
instance and pass the current class as a parameter.
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThisClass.class);
Manage projects
Projects are the core building blocks of our Platform. All the analyses you design and run take place inside a project. Learn more about Projects on BioData Catalyst powered by Seven Bridges.
Here are some basic methods for dealing with them.
List all the projects that you are a member of
ProjectList projects = user.getProjects();
You can then iterate through the list of projects and get their information, including names and IDs. A project is referenced through its ID, so you will need to know it in order to work with your project further.
Iterator<Project> projectIterator = projects.iterator();"Project names: ");
while (projectIterator.hasNext()) {
Project currentProject =;" name: {} - id: {}",
The ID for a project consists of your username and the project's name, e.g my-username/the-first-project
wantedProject = user.getProjectById(String.format("%s/my-best-project", myUsername));
Each project also has a name, a description string indicating its use, a type, some tags, a billing_group
identifier representing the billing group that is attached to the project and the href
The property href
is a URL on the server that uniquely identifies the resource in question. All resources have this attribute.
Each of the above attributes can be obtained using the relevant get
Obtain your billing group ID
To create a new project, you need to provide its name and the billing group ID.
The billing group ID designates which funding resource to charge for the analyses you run in the project you're about to create. Learn more about billing groups.
BillingGroupList billingGroups = user.getBillingGroups();
firstBillingGroup = billingGroups.iterator().next().getId();
Now you can create a new project.
Create a project
Use the billing group ID obtained above to create a that the project will be assigned an ID which consists of your username and the project’s shortname, which is created from the name you gave it through setName()
(e.g. rfranklin/new-test-project
The human readable name you set can be changed afterwards, but the project ID remains unchanged throughout the life of the project.
Project newProject = client.instantiate(Project.class);
newProject.setName("New test project")
.setDescription("This is a project created through V2 API")
.setBillingGroupId(user.getBillingGroups().iterator().next().getId());"Created new project with name '{}' and project id '{}'", newProject.getName(), newProject.getId());
Manage project members
Work with project members in your projects. If you are the project admin, you can specify the exact permissions of each project member.
Add project members and assign permissions
To add other users as members of your projects, you need to know their usernames.
The read
permission is assigned by default to each project member and cannot be taken away. Other permissions are modifiable. Learn more about setting project member permissions.
First we instantiate a new project member and then provide the username of the person we want to add and set the necessary permissions. After that we add the user to the desired project.
Member newMember = client.instantiate(Member.class);
// must be an existing user!
List project members
Iterate through a list of project members to see who has which permissions.
MemberList members = currentProject.getMembers();
Iterator<Member> memberIterator = members.iterator();
System.out.println("Members of the project " + currentProject.getId());
while (memberIterator.hasNext()) {
Member currMember =;" Username : {} Permissions : {}",
Modify project member permissions
In the following example, let's give our user the right to modify (the write
permission) and download (the copy
permission) files from our common project.
Map<String, Boolean> permissions = newMember.getPermissions();
permissions.put("write", true);
permissions.put("copy", true);
Now, if you want to see the updated list of members and permissions, remember to reload it.
for (Member member : members) {" Username : {} Permissions : {}", member.getUsername(),
Remove a project member
Use the following to remove a member from your project.
Manage files on the Platform
Files are an integral part of each analysis. You can either use the files that are already publicly available on the Platform or upload your own.
List files in a project
You can check what files are currently in your project by iterating through a list of files.
Project myProject = user.getProjectById(String.format("%s/source-project", user.getUsername()));"In project {} there are {} files", myProject.getName(), myProject.getFiles().getSize());
FileList filesInMyProject = myProject.getFiles();
for (File file : filesInMyProject) {" File {} with name {} and size {}B", file.getId(), file.getName(), file.getSize());
Copy public files into your project
If you are starting from an empty project, one way to get going is to copy some of the public files into your project. You can utilize the file tags to find the files you need. The tags are keywords or strings that make it easier to identify and organize files you’ve imported from public datasets.
Learn more about public files or tagging your files.
Let’s say you want to copy all the files that are related to human genome version 19. They will be tagged with the “hg19” tag.
Project destinationProject = user.getProjectById(String.format("%s/destination-project", user.getUsername()));" There are {} files in destination project before copy", destinationProject.getFiles().getSize());" There are {} files in destination project before copy", destinationProject.getFiles().getSize());
FileList publicFiles = user.getPublicFiles(Files.criteria().withTag("hg19"));
for (File file : publicFiles) {
file.copy(destinationProject, file.getName() + "_copy");
}" There are {} files in destination project after copy", destinationProject.getFiles().getSize());
Add tags to files
Tags can be applied to mark files in any way you find useful. Let’s say you decided you will not use files from a certain project anymore, but do not want to delete them until someone else has checked out your project.
You can then use tags to mark the files as ready for deletion.
FileList destinationFiles = destinationProject.getFiles();
Iterator<File> iterator = destinationFiles.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
File next =;
Edit metadata for a file
All files have associated metadata which makes them searchable, keeping your file collection manageable as it grows. It also enables you group files properly for analyses.
Learn more about metadata.
When you need to change metadata on a file, you should first obtain the file's ID. Then you can either patch the file metadata (adding new and-or changing existing metadata fields) or you can overwrite it (which means any metadata fields you do not explicitly reset will be deleted).
To edit metadata, use the method patchMetadata()
File updatedFile = user.getFileById("584d6f2160b2a10069e40d5d");
Map<String, String> metaPatch = new HashMap<>();
metaPatch.put("paired_end", "1");
metaPatch.put("batch_number", "3");
// save the changes you made!;
Overwrite metadata
To overwrite metadata, use the method setMetadata()
Map<String, String> metaOver = new HashMap<>();
metaOver.put("case_id", "CCLE-HCC1143BL");
metaOver.put("experimental_strategy", "WGS");
metaOver.put("investigation", "CCLE-BRCA");
metaOver.put("paired_end", "2");
metaOver.put("platform", "Illumina");
metaOver.put("species", "Homo sapiens");
// save the changes you made;
Download a file
Each file also has a URL property, which gives you the URL you can use to download the file. Again, you will need to know the file ID to do this.
File toDownload = user.getFileById("584d6f2160b2a10069e40d5d");
String downloadUrl = toDownload.getDownloadInfo().getUrl();
InputStream downloadStream = null;
try {
URL url = new URL(downloadUrl);
downloadStream = url.openStream();"Downloading file...");
long bytesNum = java.nio.file.Files.copy(downloadStream, Paths.get("local_file"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);"Downloaded {} bytes", bytesNum);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
log.error("Malformed exception while creating URL from {} - error message: {}", String.valueOf(downloadUrl), e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error while downloading file {} ", e);
} finally {
if (downloadStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException skip) {
log.warn("Error while trying to close download stream - {}", skip);
Uploading files
If you want to use your private data for analysis, you can upload them securely to the Platform.
In this section, we will see how to upload files into a project and some actions you can perform on an upload
object: using an UploadListener
to listen for related events, polling the number of uploaded bytes while waiting for an upload to complete, blocking further work until upload is completed, cancelling an upload and pausing and restarting an upload.
The class AbstractProgressListener
contains callback methods that inform you of the state of your upload. You can implement the methods for the events you want to listen to, like in this example:
private static class MyProgressListener extends AbstractProgressListener {
private final AtomicInteger cnt;
MyProgressListener(AtomicInteger cnt) {
this.cnt = cnt;
public void uploadFailed(Exception ex) {
log.error("upload failed ", ex);
public void uploadFinished() {
cnt.incrementAndGet();"upload finished ");
public void partUploadFailed(int partNumber, int retryCnt, Exception executionException) {
log.error("part {} failed, retry {}, exception {}", partNumber, retryCnt, executionException);
Then you can build a synchronized upload request using uploadBuilder
CreateUploadRequestBuilder uploadBuilder = client.getUploadRequestBuilder();
// block on an upload (synchronized upload)
Based on this, you can create an UploadContext
object which will hold information about your upload.
List<> uploadedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
UploadContext upload = user.submitUpload(;
try { uploadedFile = upload.getFile(); //blocking call
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("Error while waiting for the file to be uploaded - {}", e);
Upload a list of files
If you have a list of files you want to have uploaded (let’s call it filesToUpload
), you can request upload of those files simultaneously, creating an UploadContext
and ProgressListener
for each file.
static final long KB = 1024L;
static final long MB = 1024 * KB;
// parallel upload without blocking on get, setting up a listener for finished files
AtomicInteger finishedCnt = new AtomicInteger(0);
int numOfFiles = filesToUpload.size();
List<UploadContext> uploads = new ArrayList<>(numOfFiles);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfFiles; i++) {
File testFile = filesToUpload(i);
uploadBuilder.setName("File-to-upload-no-" + i)
// if you want to cut upload in parts
.setPartSize(64 * MB);
UploadContext uploadContext = user.submitUpload(, new MyProgressListener(finishedCnt));
When you submit an upload, the TransferService
is started if it wasn't previously started by an earlier upload. The UploadContext
objects allow you to keep track of the progress of your uploads.
while (finishedCnt.get() < numOfFiles) {
for (UploadContext uploadContext : uploads) {
long transferred = uploadContext.getBytesTransferred();
long size = uploadContext.getUploadSize();"Transferred {}% - {} bytes out of {} for upload {}", (int)((transferred * 100)/size), transferred, size, uploadContext.getUploadName());
for (UploadContext uploadContext : uploads) {
if (uploadContext.isFinished()) {
Pause an upload
If you want to pause an upload, you can do it through UploadContext.pauseTransfer()
. This will pause the current upload operation and store the information that can be used to resume the upload.
The paused UploadContext
object can later be passed to another UploadContext
object which will resume upload from the reference point.
.setPartSize(32 * MB);
UploadContext toPause = user.submitUpload(;"toPause state {}", toPause.getState());
Thread.sleep(10_000); // let it work a while
toPause.pauseTransfer();"toPause state {}", toPause.getState());
// waiting for the upload to be paused
while (UploadState.PAUSING.equals(toPause.getState())) {
}"toPause state {}", toPause.getState());
UploadContext resumedUpload = user.resumeUpload(toPause, testFile);"resumedUpload state {}", resumedUpload.getState());
Trying to obtain the file from a paused upload will throw a PausedUploadException
. You can use this to resume the paused upload when needed.
Abort an upload
On some occasions your app (or an external factor) might need to abort an upload. If you have instantiated an UploadContext
in the above described manner, you can obtain the ID of your upload and abort it.
Please keep in mind that trying to obtain the file from the UploadContext
after the abort will throw an exception.
String uploadId = uploadContextToBeAborted.getUploadId();
Upload uploadById = user.getUploadById(uploadId);"Thread {} is aborting running upload {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), uploadId);
##Finish an upload
Once you have uploaded all the files you needed, it’s time to close the TransferService
to make sure you gracefully shutdown daemon threads and release resources.
Managing apps
Apps on the Platform include both the tools (individual bioinformatics utilities) and the workflows (chains or pipelines of connected tools), either previously existing or user-created.
In the section, learn how to get information about publicly available apps, to check which apps are currently in a given project and how to install a new app based on a pre-formatted JSON file.
Get information about public apps
Use the following to get the name
and the id
of an app. You will need to know the id
of an app in order to work further with it.
AppList publicApps = user.getPublicApps();"There are {} public apps", publicApps.getSize());
for (App publicApp : publicApps) {"App id {} name {}", publicApp.getId(), publicApp.getName());
###Copy an app to your project
If you want to use a certain app inside your project, you can copy it into your project. If you try to copy an app that already exists in the given project, the API will issue an error message, which you can use to take appropriate action and inform the user as necessary.
Here is the list of API status codes and descriptions.
Project destProject = user.getProjectById(String.format("%s/destination-project", user.getUsername()));
App appToCopy = user.getAppById("admin/sbg-public-data/fastqc-analysis/2");
// copy action will fail if there is already app with same id in the project
App copiedApp;
try {
copiedApp = appToCopy.copy(destProject);
} catch (ResourceException e) {
log.debug("Error while trying to copy app - " + e.toString());
if (e.getStatus() == 409) { // CONFLICT, app with same ID already exists in project
copiedApp = user.getAppById(String.format("%s/fastqc-analysis", destProject.getId()));"App already exists in destination project, with id {}", copiedApp.getId());
} else {
log.error("Error while getting app by id, expected success code or 409 HTTP status, got {}", e.getMessage());
throw e;
List the apps in your project
AppList destProjectApps = destProject.getApps();
Finally, if you have a JSON file which describes your app through CWL, you can use it to install the app in a project.
try {
String raw = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("my-app-raw.json")));
destProject.installApp("my-installed-app", raw);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error while reading file 'my-app-raw.json', {}", e);
Add an app with its JSON
Learn more about the Common Workflow Language(CWL).
try {
String raw = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("my-app-raw.json")));
destProject.installApp("my-installed-app", raw);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error while reading file 'my-app-raw.json', {}", e);
Managing tasks
An app execution is called a task. Each task is associated with a set of input files and chosen settings for the tool(s) in the app.
In this part, we will see how to copy files that satisfy certain criteria, copy a relevant app into the project and build a task. We will see how to poll for task status during execution and how to get other useful information about a task.
Create a task
In order to create a new task, you can create a TaskBuilder
and set its fields appropriately. Let’s say you want to index a FASTA file with our public app, SAMtools Index FASTA.
// find a fasta file from public repo and copy it to your project
File fastaFile = user.getProjectById("admin/sbg-public-data") .getFiles(Files.criteria().withName("HG19_Broad_variant.fasta"))
Project tasksProject = user.getProjectById(String.format("%s/task-test", user.getUsername()));
File input = fastaFile.copy(tasksProject);
// copy the app to the project
App sourceApp =
App myApp = sourceApp.copy(tasksProject);
TaskRequestFactory taskFactory = user.getTaskRequestFactory();
CreateTaskRequestBuilder taskBuilder = taskFactory.createTaskBuilder();
.setDescription("run from public API v2")
.addInput("input_fasta_file", input)
// to run immediately after task creation
Task task = user.createTask(;
When the task is executed successfully, its status will change to COMPLETED
Check the status of your task
Keep in mind that each check of the status fires up an API request, so this shouldn’t be done in quick succession.
while (!TaskStatus.isFinished(task.getStatus())) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error("Interrupted from sleep, but task job {} is not finished yet", task.getId());
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Check if a task is completed
If you want to check which tasks have completed, you can use their status as a search criterion.
You can also get other information about each task, e.g. its name, inputs and outputs.
TaskList tasks = user.getTasks(Tasks.criteria().withStatus(TaskStatus.COMPLETED));"List of completed tasks for current user");
for (Task completedTasks : tasks) {" Task name: {}", task.getName());" Inputs: {}", task.getInputs());" Outputs: {}", task.getOutputs());
Managing volumes
Volumes authorize the Platform to access and query objects on a specified cloud storage (Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Storage) on your behalf. We will examine setting up a volume on each of the services, listing your volumes, importing and exporting files and polling for an import or export status while waiting for a job to finish.
The S3 and GCS volumes each have their own builder. Before you can use them, you will need to set up the AWS_ACCESS_KEY
for S3 or the GCS_PRIVATE_KEY
for the GCS. Then an appropriate builder can be used to create a volume.
Here is the S3 example:
CreateS3VolumeRequestBuilder s3Builder = user.getVolumeRequestFactory().s3Builder();
.setDescription("S3 Volume for testing imports and exports from and to external (non sbg) S3 bucket")
Volume testVolume = user.createVolume(;
This is the corresponding GCS example:
CreateGcsVolumeRequestBuilder gcsBuilder = user.getVolumeRequestFactory().gcsBuilder();
.setAccessMode(AccessMode.RO) //only read mode for GCS
.setPrivateKey("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----"+ GCS_PRIVATE_KEY + "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n");
Volume gcsVolume = user.createVolume(;
Each file is imported using an import job. Once you have created it, you can refer to it by its ID.
ImportJob gcsImportJob = user.startImport(gcsVolume, "files/google_file_key", destProject, "gcs_file", false);"GCS volume import id : {}", gcsImportJob.getId());
If you have a list of import jobs (called imports in this example), you can poll for their status occasionally, until they are all finished.
int finishedCnt = 0;
while (finishedCnt < imports.size()) {
try {
Iterator<ImportJob> iterator = imports.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ImportJob next =;
if (VolumeJobState.isFinished(next.getState())) {"Volume import id : {} name {} done", next.getId(), next.getDestinationName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(" Error while waiting for imports to finish - {}", e.getMessage());
To export a file, refer to it by its ID and create an export job.
File fileToExport = user.getFileById("584d6f160b2a10069e40d5d");
ExportJob exportJob = user.startExport(fileToExport, testVolume, "exported-file", false);
Similarly to imports, you can check on the status of your export job occasionally.
try {
while (!VolumeJobState.isFinished(exportJob.getState())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(" Error while waiting for export to finish = {}", e.getMessage());
if (VolumeJobState.COMPLETED.equals(exportJob.getState())) {"Volume export with id {} is completed successfully", exportJob.getId());
} else {
log.warn("Volume export with id {} failed", exportJob.getId());
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