
Configure credentials for accessing your project on BioData Catalyst powered by Seven Bridges.

To access a project on the Platform, you have to provide the API endpoint and your authentication token. This can be done either via the unified configuration file(recommended), the environment variables or by specifying them as command options.

Learn more about storing, managing and using credentials.

The optional use of the profile global parameter allows you to configure a profile which can be used with the list or mount commands. Learn more about profiles.

The optional use of the profile global parameter allows you to configure a profile which can be used with the list or mount commands. Learn more about profiles.

Usage: sbfs configure [parameters] Parameters -h, --help help for configure


Initial default setup

The credentials file will be created in $HOME/.sevenbridges/credentials with the default profile for which you need to provide the required parameters.

$ sbfs configure API endpoint [None]: https://api.sb.biodatacatalyst.nhlbi.nih.gov/v2 Authentication token [None]: 2cba934exAMPle09bf1700cd8EXampLE

Create and configure a new profile

$ sbfs --profile "my-other-account" configure API endpoint [None]: https://api.sb.biodatacatalyst.nhlbi.nih.gov/v2 Authentication token [None]: 90d7017exAMPle48934a5c750EXampLE

Modify a profile

Existing values for the API endpoint and authentication token are displayed in the brackets, pressing Enter leaves current value unchanged.

$ sbfs --profile "my-other-account" configure API endpoint [https://cgc-api.sbgenomics.com/v2]: <Enter> Authentication token [***************hjkl]: d7017exAMPle48934a5c750EXampLE09