CWL v1.0 improvements over sbg:draft-2


The following command line tool changes are implemented for CWL v1.0 in comparison to sbg:draft-2.

No more $job for BiX8

$job does not exist in JavaScript expressions. Available contexts are $inputs and $runtime.

sbg:draft-2CWL v1.0

Entering a JS expression

Expressions are denoted by the syntax $(...) or ${...}. A code fragment wrapped in the $(...) syntax is used as a one-line expression. A code fragment wrapped in ${...} behaves like expressions in sbg:draft-2.

sbg:draft-2CWL v1.0
$job.inputs.input_bam.path + ‘.vcf’$(inputs.input_bam.path).vcf
{ return $job.inputs.input_bam.path + ‘.vcf’ }${ return inputs.input_bam.path + ‘.vcf’}

Commands relating to file paths (basename, dirname, nameroot, nameext)

Experience improved commands relating to file paths. For instance, use .nameroot to get the input basename. Learn more from CWL's documentation.


One-line expressions

If the input is a BAM and the output is a VCF, you can define the output name as $(inputs.input_bam.nameroot).vcf.

No expressions in the base command

All the expressions must be inserted via arguments.

This means that if you want to insert pre-commands (such as un-TAR reference files), you need to define the whole command through arguments and leave the base command empty.

Expressions in secondary files

Secondary files can now be defined with an expression.

For example, if the input is VCF or VCF.GZ, the secondary file is either .idx or .tbi.: $(self.nameext == 'gz' ? "tbi" : "idx").


You can create a file in workdir on runtime or make a file available in the workdir on runtime using InitialWorkDirRequirement.

Create literal content file example

requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entry: $(JSON.stringify(inputs)) entryname: cwl.inputs.json

Create expression content file example:

requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entry: |- Some contents entryname: cwl.inputs.json

Stage an input example:

requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - "$(inputs.bam)" - "$(inputs.fastq_list)"

Example with staging inputs and creating files

requirements: - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entry: $(JSON.stringify(inputs)) entryname: cwl.inputs.json - entry: |- ${ return JSON.stringify(inputs) } entryname: '${return "_1_cwl.inputs.json"}' - "$(inputs.bam)" - "$(inputs.fastq_list)"


Use ExpressionLibRequirement to write a JS function in one place and use it in multiple places.

Define a function as:

requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement expressionLib: - var ext = function(){ var x = inputs.vcf.nameext == 'gz' ? "tbi" : "idx"; return x };

And call it in a different place:

secondaryFiles: ${ return ext() }


Custom input and output structures can be defined in SchemaDefRequirement.

class: SchemaDefRequirement types: - name: FileRecord type: record fields: - name: file type: File - name: metadata type: map values: string


Keep this as false.


Instead of starting a command with export MY_CUSTOM_VARIABLE=DzoniJovanovic, use EnvVarRequirement.

requirements: EnvVarRequirement: envDef: FILIP: $(inputs.last_name)


Similar to command-line tool except it has no command line and does not start a Docker container. The only purpose of this is to reshape stuff.


Input/Output Type Directory

The input can be type directory.

Input/Output Union Type

An input or output can be defined to be one or more possible types.

Example: Intervals input string or BED file

Input/Output Format Ontology

inputs: aligned_sequences: type: File label: Aligned sequences in BAM format format: edam:format_2572 $namespaces: edam: $schemas: -


hints: SoftwareRequirement: packages: interproscan: specs: [ "" ] version: [ "5.21-60" ]