The BioData Catalyst Image Registry

Store images containing tools


The BioData Catalyst powered by Seven Bridges Image Registry stores Docker images containing tools you can use to execute analyses on Platform. The images are organized into repositories and contain tools as well as their dependencies.

The image registry is the location of your Docker images on Platform. Note that this doesn't point to a webpage, so you can't open in your browser.

To make your tools available on Platform, you should upload Docker images containing them to the Platform Image Registry.

Repositories in the Platform Image Registry

Images in the Platform registry are arranged in repositories.

Repository paths

In order to upload an image to the the Platform Image Registry, or run a tool from an image contained there, you will need to refer to the repository in which the image is housed. Each image is uniquely identified using its full repository path:<username>/<repository_name>[:tag]

This path consists of the following parts:

  • URL of the Platform Image Registry.
  • <username>: Your Platform username.
  • <repository_name>: Repository name.
  • [:tag]: Optional, commonly used to label the version of the image.

You will need to do this on the Tool Editor in order to refer to the image containing your tool, if the image is stored in the Platform registry.

Repository names

Repository names are user-defined, must be at least 3 characters long and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, ., - and _.

Image tags

A repository can house multiple images. To identify images, each image can be given a unique tag. You can use a numerical tagging system, or use words or phrases as tags. If you do not specify a tag, the default tag is latest.