This call runs (executes) a workflow and returns the run ID which you can use to monitor its progress (see Get details of a workflow run).
Example request
POST /ga4gh/wes/v1/runs HTTP/1.1
X-SBG-Auth-Token: 55e9691c111146bd384c5ec40a9f97fb1
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-SBG-Auth-Token: 55e9691c111146d384c5ec40a9f97fc0' \
--header 'Cookie: language=en' \
--form 'workflow_params={"project": "rfranklin/my-project", "use_interruptible_instances": true, "inputs": {"input_bam": {"class": "File", "path": "drs://"}}};type=application/json' \
--form 'workflow_type=CWL' \
--form 'tags={}' \
--form 'workflow_engine_parameters={}' \
--form 'workflow_url=sbg://rfranklin/my-project/tool/0'
Header Fields
Name | Description |
X-SBG-Auth-Token required | Your authentication token. |
Request body
When running new workflow via WES on the BiodataCatalyst powered by Seven Bridges, you need to specify the target project via the
parameter. See below.
Name | Data type | Description |
workflow_params required | object | Specify the name of the project using the project (required) parameter , e.g. "project": "rfranklin/my-project" .You can also use this parameter to specify the input files: The path to the files can be specified either as a platform-local DRS URI or file ID. Option to specify files via an external DRS URI is coming soon. |
workflow_type required | string | The type of workflow language submitted which is supported by this WES instance. |
workflow_type_version required | string | The version of the workflow language submitted which is supported by this WES instance. |
tags | string | Specify tags. |
workflow_url required | string | This parameter is used for specifying the location of the App, which can be any of the following: App in your project - specify the URL to the app, e.g. sbg://admin/sbg-public-data/topmed-alignment App in the Dockstore - specify the URL to your app in the Dockstore, using the standard HTTP or TRS format * App uploaded via workflow_attachment - specify the relative path to the appropriate attachment, e.g. #/workflow_attachment/0 |
workflow_attachment | Array of strings | The workflow_attachment array may be used to upload the App needed to execute the workflow. |
Example request body
"workflow_params": {
"project": "rfranklin/my-project",
"inputs": {
"input_list": [
"path": "drs://",
"name": "C835.HCC1143.2.converted.realigned.base_recalibrated.bam",
"class": "File"
"Reference_Genome_FASTA": {
"path": "drs://",
"name": "Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta",
"class": "File"
"workflow_type": "CWL",
"workflow_type_version": "v1.0",
"workflow_url": "sbg://rfranklin/my-project/alignment-metrics-qc/0"
See a list of response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.
Response body
Name | Data type | Description |
run_id | string | Workflow run ID |
Example response body
"run_id": "103e7bc8-224e-4c97-9664-6f98a2cb7e2d"