Create a new project


This call creates a new project.


Example request

POST /v2/projects HTTP/1.1
X-SBG-Auth-Token: 3259c50e1ac5426ea8f1273259740f74
content-type: application/json
curl --data '{"name": "My New Project", "description": "A project for testing my apps", "billing_group": "ec1dc1e3-12a3-4b56-789c-e3f2dca0c6f7", "tags": ["tcga"]}' -s -H "X-SBG-Auth-Token: 1e43fEXampLEa5523dfd14exAMPle3e5" -H "content-type: application/json" -X POST ""

Header Fields

Your Platform authentication token.

Query parameters

NameData typeDescription
fieldsstringSelector specifying a subset of fields to include in the response.

Request body

In the body, you should enter a list of key-value pairs. The keys, and the values they take, are described in the following table.

KeyDatatype of valueDescription of value
stringThe name of the project you are creating.
stringThe ID of the billing group for the project.

List all billing groups to find your billing group ID.
descriptionstringA description of the project.
tagsstring, enclosed in '[ ]Optionally, enter a tag if you want to make a Controlled Data project.

If you omit the tags key, the project will be an Open Data project.
settingsobjectThis dictionary contains three fields, locked, controlled and use_interruptible_instances - see below for further information.
lockedBooleanThis field can be true or false.

Set this field to true to lock down a project. Locking down a project prevents any Seven Bridges team member from viewing any information about the task.
controlledBooleanSet to true to indicate a Controlled Data project. Learn more about Controlled Data projects.
use_interruptible_instancesBooleanThis field can be true or false. Set this field to true to allow the use of spot instances.
allow_network_accessBooleanAllows you to control network access for executions within the project.

Example request body

	"name": "My New Project", 
  "description": "A project for testing my apps", 
  "billing_group": "ec1dc1e3-12a3-4b56-789c-e3f2dca0c6f7", 
  "tags": ["my-tag"],
    "locked": true,
    "use_interruptible_instances": false,
    "controlled": true,
    "allow_network_access": true


See a list of specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.

Example response body

  "href": "",
  "id": "RFranklin/my-new-project",
  "name": "My New Project",
  "type": "v2",
  "description": "A project for testing my apps",
  "tags": ["my-tag"],
    "locked": true,
    "use_interruptible_instances": false,
    "controlled": true,
    "allow_network_access": true
  "billing_group": "ec1dc1e3-12a3-4b56-789c-e3f2dca0c6f7"

Interpreting the response body

  • The field locked is set to true, which means you've created a locked project. Locking down a project prevents any Seven Bridges team member from viewing any information about the task.
  • The field controlled is set to true, which indicates you've created a Controlled Data project.