Release notes - December 23, 2020
about 4 years ago by Marko Marinkovic
Data Cruncher Stability and Usability Improvements
Your experience with Data Cruncher just got better thanks to the following improvements:
- Use the full potential of RStudio as it is now officially out of the BETA stage and its stable release is available in Data Cruncher.
- Maintain full control over your workspace integration capabilities in a more secure environment - your Data Cruncher sessions are now run on a separate domain providing even better security isolation and privacy control of your favorite third-party integrated development environments.
- Have a better insight into your session initialization phase with a more informative loading experience.
- Find your way around with more ease - the top navigation bar provides access to analysis information, control options, documentation and feedback form, while the editor continues to provide native experience in your chosen base environment.
- Seven Bridges addons for JupyterLab (i.e. the Project Files tab and the Save to project right click option) are now deprecated in favor of a unified and improved experience - delivering a more stable and up-to-date visual interface you’re familiar with.
- Enjoy the cost control capabilities (Suspend time) without getting interrupted - your keyboard and mouse activity in the editor is now monitored as session activity in all available environments.
Check out our documentation pages to find out more about Data Cruncher.